The Architect and the Badger

Many years ago I was a big fan of Mike Baron‘s comic book series The Badger, which was just the right mixture of goofiness, psychosis, and brilliance to appeal to me in my early twenties (the most psychotic character in the series was the title hero who, after being his in the face and bleeding on his torn costume looks at his adversary and says: “You broke the shirt! Now you’re going to pay!”).

The Badger and Baron and a lot of other things from two decades ago sort of drifted away when I went back to college, but I’ve been working on a web site with some Google ads and up at the top was a banner graphic for one of Baron’s latest creations, an online graphic novel called The Architect, that mixes allusions to Frank Lloyd Wright, Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead, and H.P. Lovecraftian horror in a brief, entertaining experience. It ain’t The Badger, but it’ll kill a few minutes.