Rick Perlstein, the Pulitzer-winning author of the forthcoming Nixonland, is blogging at the new Campaign for America’s Future site, where he has a post up about how conservative philosophy leads to things like food contamination.
In the post, he links to a news article about how the salmonella outbreak in peanut butter last year was traced back (by the manufacturers) to a leaky roof at a factory in Georgia that gave dormant bacteria in raw peanuts a growth medium.
That sounded kind of familiar. Where else had I heard about peanuts lately? Oh, yeah, Republican politicians talking about the supplemental appropriations bill Bush has promised to veto:
This legislative request was to be focused on the immediate needs of our troops on the ground and their military leaders, not pork projects like the $74 million for peanut storage costs.
Were talking about war and the safety of our troops, not peanut butter, Morin said.