The latest issue of The New Republic (Iraq: What Next?) is a perfect example of how the war hawks have managed to paint themselves into several different corners on Iraq. There are seventeen different options/opinions listed on the cover, in a manner that seems more like a bunch of looneys running around with their hands in the air than a coherent debate. That may not have been the intention of the editor who approved the cover or the cover’s designer, but it’s like they were writing their own version of the semi-regular feature at Sadly, No!, the “Two-Minute Townhall”, so with apologies to Travis G., I give you simply the text from the cover:
Two-Minute TNR
THE EDITORSGive Politics a Chance PETER BEINARTThreaten to Leave GEORGE PACKERSave Whomever We Can RICHARD A. CLARKEAdmit It’s Over DAVID RIEFFBring the Troops Home ROBERT KAGANSend More Troops PETER W. GALBRAITHDivide Iraq REZA ASLANKeep It Whole ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTERForce Everyone to the Table LARRY DIAMONDDeal With the Sunnis JAMES KURTHCrush the Sunnis JOSEF JOFFEAlly with the Sunnis NIALL FERGUSONBribe the Insurgents MICHAEL WALZERTalk, Talk, Talk MARTIN PERETZIgnore James Baker LEON WIESELTIERTry Anything LAWRENCE F. KAPLANThe Troops and Us