Johnny Ramone Would Have Been 57

Prior to heading down to Anaheim for MAX, I spent a few days in Los Angeles with Barbara visiting friends and sightseeing. This time, we dropped in on a couple of cemeteries. Forest Lawn was extremely lawn-like, although I did stumble across Stan Laurel’s marker. Much more to our collective taste was Hollywood Forever, which had actual gravestones. And that was even before we came across Johnny Ramone’s marker. Oddly enough, we were only about a week late for what would have been his 57th birthday.

Signs, Signs

One of the things I like about driving around a city on vacation is the opportunity to see new business names. One particularly catchy sign jumped out at me this evening, driving up the Pacific Coast Highway from Costa Mesa to Westwood, for a Vietnamese soup shop: What the Pho?

Hunt for the Red Caption Contest

Setup: A well-armed hunter sitting in a recliner points his rifle at a moose on the TV in front of him, two women stand behind him in the doorway, one talking to the other.

My caption: “With the price of gas what it is, it’s cheaper than driving out to the woods.”

Now you can go and check out what the editors at The New Yorker chose for
in their caption contest.

Little Men

I spent the weekend in Bend at my brother’s wedding (congratulations Jon and Kara!), so I didn’t get right on this week’s New Yorker caption contest. Since I’m on the West Coast, unless I check it online, I usually only have a day between the time my copy arrives in the mail and the contest deadline on Sunday night. I was busy and forgot to check it last week, then didn’t see it until the deadline had passed last night.

This was the cartoon and winning caption from the 13 June 2005 contest (#8):

“He’s the cutest little thing, and when you get tired of him you just flush him down the toilet.”
(drawing by Victoria Roberts, caption by Jan Richardson)

This is the from the 26 September 2005 issue (contest #20) and my own caption idea which I would have submitted:

“I saw something similar in a New Yorker cartoon caption contest a couple of months ago and I knew I just had to have one.”
(drawing by Mick Stevens)

Photo from the Bayou

Last Halloween, Barbara and I took a little airboat ride south of New Orleans, where we each got a chance to hold a gator. I’m regretting now that we didn’t take more pictures than we did.

Our best wishes go out to everyone we met on that trip.

A Lack of Historical Perspective at The History Channel

I know it’s hard to make changes to an entire promotional campaign in the last couple of days before your event takes place, but I have to think that The History Channel should have relied on some of its alternative ads for their ROME: Engineering an Empire series this weekend. Specifically, the TV and radio spots that open with the phrase “Do you think that the first Superdome was opened in 1965?”

Memory of New Orleans

We haven’t had the opportunity to do nearly as much traveling as we’d have liked to over the years, so I try to make the most of it when I have to go somewhere for a conference and combine it with some tourism. One of the places that was on Barbara’s list for a long while was New Orleans.

Neither of us had ever been to the South (apart from a fly-though of the Atlanta airport and a 16-hour speaking stopover I made in Huntsville a few years back). I’d been promising a family member in Tallahassee a visit for years. Plans kept falling through, though, until Macromedia scheduled its yearly conference in New Orleans for just after Halloween last year.

Finally, things started to fall into place. I planned flights into Tallahassee, a convertible rental to New Orleans, and — in our typical fashion — looked for a condo or other accommodations where we could cook meals.

I found a nice, inexpensive apartment near the French Quarter, but the rental agency had trouble getting hold of the owners. I let that situation go on for a little longer than I should have, but eventually gave up and booked a more hotel-like room with kitchenette.

Then, in September, Hurricane Ivan formed and headed for the Gulf Coast. Concerns that the levees would be breached by the storm surge if Ivan hit New Orleans directly were voiced by New Orleans emergency manager Walter Maestri, who was said by The Washington Post to have 10,000 body bags ready in case a major hurricane ever hits New Orleans. Ivan’s eye veered east of the city, doing its worst in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi instead. The hotel I’d picked was under renovation at the time, however, and the booking agency sent me a message in early October that emergency work in the areas affected by the story was affecting non-essential construction work, so the hotel wouldn’t reopen until after the conference. So I took what I could find at the last minute, which ended up being a room in a renovated coffee warehouse on Tchoupitoulas with windows onto the hallway.

That said, the trip was remarkable. After spending time with my cousin and her family, we drove along the Florida Panhandle coast into increasing signs of Ivan’s work. When we hit the overpasses of I110 in Pensacola, we could see blue tarps on the roof of nearly every house. The medians of the streets had debris, appliances, and garbage piled high as people cleaned out their water-damaged houses.

That was behind us by the time we got to New Orleans, which had survived another close call. And despite late October temperatures near 90 degrees that even New Orleaneans were complaining about, we had a fantastic time. We sat and watched the river traffic, we spent hours exploring Metarie Cemetery and riding the trolleys, walking through the French Quarter, and people-watching.

On Saturday, the night before Halloween, we wandered through the Quarter and ended up at a bar called The Abbey, where we offered space at our booth to a couple as the place — fairly small — began to fill up. It being the French Quarter and the day before Halloween, she was dressed as a nurse and he was dressed as Harry Potter. We got to talking, then Andrew and Monique invited us home for dinner the next afternoon, before they took their daughter to the zoo. Andrew had forty pounds of shrimp for a broil and fry, he did up some onion rings, it was fantastic. That gesture and meal will be my memory of the city and people of New Orleans.

Moog Music

ARP 2600 synthesizer

A generation ago at Lane Community College, I took a class in electronic music during what the end of the pre-digital ega. Not being a particularly gifted musician and even less talented as a composer, I didn’t contribute much to the world of synthrock. Like many others, however, I was intrigued by the sounds of synthesizers. My only contribution? A John Carpenter-inspired theme for the soundtrack of my parody script Escape from Eugene (in which Eugene, Oregon had been converted into an asylum by surrounding it with a forty foot rubber wall).

LCC provided us with an ARP 2600 — a thing of patch cables and knobs that could emit some unearthly squeals — but I remember that I wanted to be working on one of the real machines. One of the machines named for the man who was literally synonomous with the word synthesizer: Bob Moog.

Rest in peace, Mr. Moog.

Medical Confusion

Thought for the day: Don’t confuse your neurologist with your urologist.

Too bad I can’t get paid for that one.

Thank God for That!

Watching Matt Zaffino (who generally seems like a top-notch weatherman) talk about Hurricane Emily last night on KGW, I was struck by the number of times he stressed how lucky it was that the storm was apparently going to miss Texas. I know most US maps stop south of Brownsville, but don’t people care that even if it missed precious American soil that it’s still got to make landfall somewhere, namely the northern Mexico coast?