Eschacon is sooo last weekend, and I’m probably the last person who was there who will have anything to post, but then I’m possibly too single-track to write posts and pay attention at the same time. Heck, I don’t even like to take notes. But here are a few photos, starting with the requisite panels, in the order of the day.
Having an Impact
Digby, Jane Hamsher, NTodd, Atrios
Comedy and Political Critique
watertiger, Trex, The Rude Pundit, Ted Rall, Thers
Creating Constitutional Accountability
Scott Horton, Kagro X, Eric Johnson (Chief of Staff, Rep. Robert Wexler), Bob Fertik
Media Bias
Will Bunch, Eric Boehlert, Susie Madrak, Athenae, Spocko, Douglas K. Smith
DFH Economics
Paul Krugman, Atrios, Echide of the Snakes
I don’t think I have much to add to the accounts of the panels. There was some decent liveblogging from Sinfonian. I was rather pleased to spend most of the day sharing a table with Spocko, his wife, and Athenae, among others, and to have gotten in the first question (on one of my favorite topics, fact-checking editorials and opinion pieces) during the Media Bias panel.
Just a few other photos to share. The Rude Pundit, in full tilt mode during the Saturday party:
Jane Hamsher, blogging during The Rude Pundit’s performance:
And the photo I emailed to Jane of the Rude Pundit’s doll that she told me she wasn’t going to use in her post.